Why support is needed
Around 1 in 5 Australians have received race-hate talk examples like verbal abuse, racial slurs and name calling. These things cause mental health issues and can cause people to think about suicide and cause suicide. There have been children that have committed suicide due to this. One of these children was a 9 year old girl named Mckenzie. Mckenzie was found on a Saturday. She had hanged herself. She was a normal girl and average fourth grader but she got bullied by the whole school. At school people would yell out to her with slurs like "kill yourself" "just die". She felt as though she had no choice but to commit suicide because that's all people wanted her to do. This is one of the hundreds of thousands of suicide due to racism.
Some countries wont accept jobs from black or people with a cultural background and that causes people to work hard labor jobs and have to rely on there children to earn money too. This would make children having to do child labor and causes serious health issues. Because people find themselves in these situation they find themselves doing risky jobs that could put them in jail. When there unemployed they wont have the stability to take care of there family properly. Many parents in these situations are unable to care for there children and give them little things like a toothbrush or a hair tie.
Racism has been in effect from the first Century, It's about time we move along. People and there children sometimes have to live in fear incase someone accidently shoots them. Imagine walking to school in fear knowing that a police officer, the person that is supposed to protect you, tackle you and then empty a gun on you. Survivors don't get mercy. Police officers walk away with a slap on the wrist.
This statistic is from https://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/people/racism-in-aboriginal-australia#selected-statistics